• Mark your calendar for the HHCA Spring Cattle Auction Sat. May 3, 2025 at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, MO • 

2025 Annual Gathering and Meeting


Saturday, March 8, 2025 was a beautiful, sunny day for the 2025 HHCA annual gathering an meeting at the Branson Towers in Branson, MO

The morning speaker, Mike Senglaub had some very interesting information so share about the Genetic Program testing being done by the HHCA. Soon teh Professor from Lincoln University will be working on the guidelines for the test to fund the percentage of full blood Highlands.

The Potluck luncheon was tasy for all who enjoyed the food. Lots of desserts this year. Everyone brought their speciality dishes.

Our two fernoon speakers wre from the University of Columbia, MO. They both gave interesting and informative presentations about "Budgeting nd costs of Direct Marketing and Positioning your Farm Business to Succeed on Social Media. A lot of pointers were given to become successful. They also had a number of handouts for everyone.

At the annual meeting, Pres. Ramey informed the membersip about the litation cease and deceit suit brought by the American Highland Cattle Association (AHCA) against the HHCA. The AHCA does not want the HHCA to use any of their information from their registered animals when members are dual registering animals with HHCA in the herdbook, even tho the AHCA certificate gives that info to the owner of the animal and registration. You will be receiving further information on the changes the HHCA is making to their herdbook registrations.

Hello and Congratulations to the two new Board Members who are Chris Batz, from Iowa and Sue Dyke from Nebraska. A sincere "Thank you" to the two outgoing Board Members Joyce Allender from Iowa and Kevin Zerr from Kansas. We greatly appreciate your years of service.

The Lee Wolfgang Promotional and Educational Award was presented to two members of HHCA. Congratultions to Clint Deardorff, from Iowa and Adam and Larissa Michaud of Missouri. Both these members are well deserving of this award as they are both dedicated to the preservation and success of the HHCA. They are both long time volunteers.

There were eight Juniors that received the HHCA Scholarship award. They were from MO; IA; and CO. Congratulations to Hayden Ball, MO; Sarah Batz IA; Hayden Thurman, MO; Ava Williams, MO; Makynna Carpenter, IA; Bruce Marshall, MO; Bryce Pemberton, MO; and McKenna Jess, CO.

We want to "Thank" all the members who donated to the Scholarship Silent Auction. This is a fundraiser to help with the yearly scholarships. This was another good year for the auciton. We also use the sales from the yearly HHCA calendar contest for the scholarship fund. So remember to purchase a 2026 calendar.

The evening banuqet was served for the 15th year by Gettin Basted caterers and restaurant. The meal was as always very tasted and the service was great. They treat us as kings. After dinner there was the introduction of the Juniors, then Dave Embury awarded his auction volunteer crew with awards and a flag stick to move cattle. These guys help move the cattle on Friday to their holding pens. On Saturday Dave has a group six people who will move and line up the Highlands so they get into the ring according to the auction catalog. Dave does a tremendous job keeping it running smoothly.

The last event at the banquet was a presentation by Phinity Ranch owners James an Bobbe Phillips of Fair Grove. They introduced us to the non-profit association "Coos for Cancer". They have dedicated this venture for anyone who has cancer and provides them with a box of Highland items. They certainly do good work.

The evening ended with farewells and good nights. Another end to the 2025 HHCA Gathering.

Hope to see you at the 2026 Gathering. Have a great year.




Previous HHCA Meeting Minutes, Bylaws & Financial Reports