• Mark your calendar for the HHCA Spring Cattle Auction Sat. May 3, 2025 at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, MO • 

Please note: there is an additional amount added for payments made with PayPal to cover the processing fees.

To make an annual Membership payment through paypal:


To make a payment for a member classified ad through paypal:


To make a payment for a non-member classified ad through paypal:


To make a payment for a business card ad on HHCA Calendar through paypal:


To make a payment for a Sponsorship membership through paypal:


HHCA Member Auction Consignment (per animal):
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of animals you are paying the Consignment for.


Non-HHCA Member Auction Consignment (per animal):
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of animals you are paying the Consignment for.


Member Registration Transfer (per animal):
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of animals you are paying to transfer registrations.


Non-Member Registration Transfer (per animal):
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of animals you are paying to transfer registrations.


Member Dual Registration (per animal):
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of animals you are paying to dual register.


Non-Member Dual Registration (per animal):
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of animals you are paying to dual register.


Replacement Registration Certificate:
Once you click the buy button you will be able to change the quantity to reflect the number of replacement Certificates you need.


HHCA Auction business card catalog ad: