• Mark your calendar for the HHCA Spring Cattle Auction Sat. May 3, 2025 at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, MO • 

Scottish Highland Beef IS Healthy!!!

     Scientific tests carried out on Scottish Highland Beef by the Scottish Agricultural College-National College for Food, Land and Environmental Studies demonstrate convincing evidence that Scottish Highland Beef is significantly lower in Fat and Cholesterol, and higher in Protein and Iron that other beef.

     Food Scientist as SAC led by Dr. Ivy Barclay, Head of the Food and Science & Technology Department have published analytical results which have been determined on the pure Scottish Highland Beef cuts comparing each grade of meat with results from all beef published by McCance & Widdowson at the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food.


Scottish Highland Beef Cooking Tips

Highland Cattle Cuts

* The composition of Foods, McCance & Widdowson, MAAF

Beef Cuts