• Mark your calendar for the HHCA Spring Cattle Auction Sat. May 3, 2025 at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, MO • 

Registry Member: 1552
Ed & Sherri Moore
Heathen Holler Farm
101 Charleston Dr.
Ripley, WV 25271
Phone: 304.532.3836
Click Here to send a message

George & Mickey Deike
746 Shalinar Lane
Cass, WV 24927
Phone: 304.456.4852
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Katrina Richards
R & R Highland Farm
333 richards Rd.
Waverly, WV 26184
Phone: 304.481.2857
Click Here to send a message

Pamela Eer
Kizmet Farm
PO Box 228
Union, WV 24983
Phone: 540.525.4626
Click Here to send a message


Registry Member: 2412
Timothy Livingston
Muddy Mountain Highlands
3390 Charleston Rd.
Spencer, WV 25276-9622
Phone: 302.603.2774
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